Renowned European eco-labels
We have always been focused on sustainability. This is why our products have been awarded important, renowned European eco-labels. These confirm the great trust that you have in us and are guarantee of the special health and safety features of products by an independent body.
There are different awards and criteria depending on the country. To us, every single award affirms our decision to continue down the path we have taken — so that we can offer you sustainable solutions and the highest level of product safety in the future too.
For us, sustainability is essential for shaping a better, more successful future for us all. This is why we, as a company set our targets high: Our employees expect sustainable management and you, as a customer, also need us to provide solutions that help you achieve your own sustainability goals.
As part of our strategy we have therefore defined a number of effective measures for reducing our CO2 emissions, avoiding the use of dangerous raw materials and drastically reducing waste — for an environment worth living in.
Our Mission: Sustainability as the foundation of our Strategy
Our Vision: Sustainability at the Heart of Our Business Model
Our vision: We want to continuously improve our environmental and social performance so that everyone benefits from us — our company, our employees and you, the customer. This is why we have embedded sustainability firmly in the heart of our business model.
We still aspire to remain one step ahead at all times, because this is the only way we can better satisfy your needs as a customer, build trusting partnerships along the entire supply chain and make the best possible use of efficiency within our businesses.